Ruby Mendenhall

Portrait of Ruby Mendenhall
Ruby Mendenhall

Social inequality has been a pressing issue due to the mental and physical effects it can have on a person’s outlook, quality, and purpose in life. Ruby Mendenhall’s research on social inequality uses quantitative and qualitative data such as welfare, employment, and census data. Through this research, Mendenhall aims to destigmatize mental health assumptions while encouraging medical professionals to take and create a more holistic, humane, and personalized environment for their patients.

  • Lincoln Hall – The Department of Sociology, where Mendenhall conducts her research, is located in 3120 Lincoln Hall.

Ruby Mendenhall. (n.d.). Illinois Experts.

Ruby Mendenhall. (n.d.). University of Illinois Department of Sociology.

Ruby Mendenhall named assistant dean for diversity and democratization of health innovation. (2018, May 2). Carle Illinois College of Medicine.

University of Illinois News Bureau. (2018, August 2). Ruby Mendenhall and Interdisciplinary Research. Carle Illinois College of Medicine.

Contributors: Madeleine Kienzle