
Research Residence No. 1

With the innovation of the first modern air conditioner in 1902, it would not be until 22 years later that the first residence was built for the purpose of researching forced air in private living spaces. Research Residence No. 1, also referred to as the Warm Air Research House was built with the efforts of the Mechanical Engineering Department and managed by the Engineering Experiment Station. By 1933, Seichi Konzo, a professor in engineering from 1929-1971, took up residence in Research Residence No. 1 with his family and two research assistants, therefore living in the first air-conditioned house in North America.

Ashrae. (n.d.) Hall of Fame Members. 

Leetaru, K. (2011). Warm Air Research Residence. UIHistories Project. 

National Register of Historic Places. (n.d.) Asset Detail ( National Park Service. 

Seichi Konzo. (2021, March 7). In Wikipedia.

Research Residence No. 1 was commissioned, designed, and built in 1924 by a collaboration between the University of Illinois and the National Warm Air Heating and Ventilation Association (NWAHVA). It was located at 1108 W. Stoughton St, Urbana, IL.

Research Residence No. 1, during construction, 1924

The main goal was to create a space that could be used for research in forced air heating for private residences. The dedication of Research Residence No. 1 by Professor J.M. White in December, 1924, was attended by professors, heating professionals, journalists, and locals.

Dedication of Research Residence No. 1.

The team at Research Residence No. 1, led by A. P. Kratz, Vincent S. Day, and Arthur Cutts Willard, conducted several tests of various types of forced air heating systems. Each system would be installed, tested vigorously, and ultimately replaced in favor of a modified, or in some cases, completely new design.

Example of furnace installed in basement of Research Residence No. 1, 1925

These tests also included materials testing (which was a better metal for pipe insulation? Copper or aluminium?), effects of a steam-heating boiler verses a hot-water heater, and the effects of drops and rises in barometric pressure. In order to accurately measure the effect of these experiments, the team installed sensors in every room, often at multiple levels. In a discussion of recent results from the Research Residence, Arthur Cutts Willard bragged that “very few makers of steam and hot-water heating equipment possess such complete data as represented by these results.”


Vincent S. Day checking room sensors, 1924

The previous quote sums up, quintessentially, what made Research Residence No. 1 such a renown success, to the extent that three more Research Residences were commissioned and built over the next three decades. Homeowners would come from miles around to look at the heating systems installed in the Research Residence in order to learn how to choose and install such systems in their homes. The home was even featured during a local “Better Homes Week”, a part of the Better Homes Movement. The Better Homes Movement was a post World War I nationwide campaign emphasizing home ownership, modernization, and beautification.

Cars outside Research Residence No. 1 during Better Homes Week, 1925

– 1108 W. Stoughton St, Urbana, IL. This is where the Research Residence was located. The building is still there and owned by the University.


Special Thanks to Susan Frankenberg for the story about her grandfather.

Dedication of the Warm Air and Heating Research Residence. (1924, December 2). Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-192. Record Series 11/8/23, Box 2, Folder Warm Air Heating Research Residence (Urbana) – Photographs, Sept. 1924 – 1927. University of Illinois Archives.

Furnace Installation. (1925, Jan 28). Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-192. Record Series 11/8/23, Box 2, Folder Warm Air Heating Research Residence (Urbana) – Photographs, Sept. 1924 – 1927. University of Illinois Archives.

Professor Day in Research Residence. (1925, March 1). Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-192. Record Series 11/8/23, Box 2, Folder Warm Air Heating Research Residence (Urbana) – Photographs, Sept. 1924 – 1927. University of Illinois Archives.

Publication [Nos. 11-12]/ issued by Better Homes in America. (2013). In American Memory. Retrieved on March 6th, 2013 from

Research Residence during “Better Homes Week”. (1925, May 17). Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-192. Record Series 11/8/23, Box 2, Folder Warm Air Heating Research Residence (Urbana) – Photographs, Sept. 1924 – 1927. University of Illinois Archives.

Research Residence Reports and Photos. Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-1927. Record Series No. 11/8/23, Box 1- 2. University of Illinois Archives.

Warm-Air Heating Residence. (1924 Feb. 29). Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-192. Record Series 11/8/23, Box 2, Folder Warm Air Heating Research Residence Photographs Feb-Aug 1924. University of Illinois Archives.

Warm-Air Heating Residence (5). (1924, May 29). Vincent S. Day Papers, 1918-192. Record Series 11/8/23, Box 2, Folder Warm Air Heating Research Residence Photographs Feb-Aug 1924. University of Illinois Archives.